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空乘面试难度比较高的就是英语方面,针对这个问题,专业老师搜集了将近50个空乘英语面试题目,如果您能把这些空乘英语题目读出来并且能翻译,那么你的面试成功了一半,希望对你有帮助。1 Please introduce yourself2


1 Please introduce yourself

2 Why do you want to be a flight attendant ?

3 your parents when you see how the crew ?

4 Since when you want to become a flight attendant for ?

5 How much salary you want to take ?

6 If you are hired, you will be with us long to work ?

7 If the proposal passengers travel together , how would you do ?

8 credits you talk to an average of more reasons ?

9 part time do you have done before ?

10 What you are special events during school life ?

11 What school life gives you the deepest impression is ?

12 in college before you do?

13 How long are you going to work on this ?

14 Do you work overtime on how to look outside working hours ?

15 Please talk about my career outlook ?

16 What motivated you are determined to leave ?

17 to other company you applied it?

18. How do you think your English strength ?

19 You have qualification certificates and special skills?

20. How do you think your character ?

21、What are the advantages and disadvantages of 21 you are ?

22 students era is what impressed me most ?

23 Do you like what club activities ?

24 Do you have a degree?

25 How your college grades ?

26. Which is your favorite class ?

27 What was your major in college ?

28. Which you graduated from high school ( college ) ?

29. Ideal image of women how should you ?

30 What do you think your capabilities are competitive ?

31. Care what you recently ?

32. Done what activities the university ?

33 Please talk about the kind of cocktail you know

34 How your English ?

35 you what to do on a rest day ?

36. As a member of society , what is your dream ?

37 Please talk about your marriage for love and marriage by matchmakers views

38 How mood today ?

39 What are your hobbies ?

40 If you airsick passengers how to deal with ?

41 How do you stay healthy ?

42 What other airlines but to abandon reason and our work together is ?

43 you belong conservative , or is free-spirited type ?

44 So far , nothing left to give you the deepest impression ?

45 You did it part-time ?

46 if the child disturb passengers , how do you do it ?

47 Do you see how the issue of women smoke ?

48 Do you have a motto it?

49 You do social good ?

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